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domenica 28 aprile 2024

Ti trovi in: Home - Staff - Ricercatori - Prof. A. Cotoia - Didattica


CdL Dietistica - (Programma)

1- Preoperative evaluation (Download)
2 - Surgical risk (Download)
3 - Standard for basic anesthetic monitoring (Download)
4 - General anesthesia (Download)
5 - Adult blsd (Download)
6 - Pediatric blsd and als (Download)
7 - Emergency drugs (Download)

CdL Infermieristica - (Programma)

1 - ASA classification (Download)
2 - Preoperative testing (Download)
3 - Surgical risk and ASA classification (Download)
4 - Anesthetic visit, preoperative test, operative risk, patient preparation (Download)
5 - Vascular access (Download 1 - Download 2)
6 - Vascular access, CVC (Download)
7 - General anesthesia (Download)
8 - Airway management guidelines (Download 1 - Download 2)
9 - Standard for basic anesthetic monitoring (Download)
10 - Locoregional anesthesia (Download)
11 - Nerve blocks (Download)
12 - Treatment of postoperative pain (Download)

CdL Tecnico Radiologo(Programma)

1 - Preoperative evaluation (Download)
2 - Surgical risk (Download)
3 - Standards for basic anesthetic monitoring (Download)
4 - General anesthesia (Download)
5 - Guidelines on sedation and/or analgesia for diagnostic and interventional medica (Download 1 - Download 2)
6 - Adverse reactions to contrast media (Download 1 - Download 2)
7 - Anaphylactic reactions (Download 1 - Download 2)
8 - Adults blsd (Download)
9 - Pediatric blsd and als (Download)
10 - First Aid (Download)

Ricevimento Studenti

Orari di ricevimento: Lun - Ven ore 10:00 - 12:00
U.O. Anestesia Rianimazione Terapia Intensiva Universitaria
Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria
'Ospedali Riuniti di Foggia'
Via Luigi Pinto,1
71122 Foggia

Pagina creata il 14/2/2017 alle 18:54 da luigi.montrano
Ultima modifica: 24/2/2017 alle 9:54 da luigi.montrano