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sabato 27 luglio 2024

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Attività di Ricerca


Title: MET-REPAIR: “MET: REevaluation for Perioperative cArdIac Risk (MET-REPAIR) a European, Prospective, observational, multi–centre cohort study".
Aim: The aim of the MET-REPAIR study is to address the question: "Are METs estimated by questionnaire associated with perioperative major adverse cardiovascular events and cardiovascular mortality in patients undergoing elevated-risk, noncardiac surgery?”
Population: patients undergoing elective, elevated-risk noncardiac surgery.

Title: Collaborative REsearch on ACute Traumatic brain Injury in intensiVe care medicine in Europe
Aim: - Consolidare la rete già attiva per il progetto PROSAFE, al fine di descrivere meglio l'epidemiologia del trauma cranico moderato-grave in 7 paesi (Cipro, Grecia, Israele, Italia, Polonia, Slovenia, Ungheria);
- Stabilire archivi centralizzati di campioni biologici e immagini cliniche, da analizzare a fini prognostici;
- Costruire un modello prognostico basato su dati clinici e biologici per predire l'esito a breve e lungo termine dei pazienti;
- Individuare gli interventi terapeutici più efficaci nei confronti del trauma cranico;
- Individuare i centri di eccellenza nel trattamento dei pazienti con trauma cranico moderato-grave.

Title:  PROmoting patient SAFEty and quality improvement in critical care
Aim:- Allargare la rete di collaborazione delle TI (da nazionale ad internazionale);
- Trasferire il know-how acquisito durante questi anni mediante Margherita Due;
- Ampliare la raccolta dati e rendere possibile il confronto tra TI a livello internazionale.


Title: iProve OLV
Aim: In the iPROVE-OLV study we hypothesize that perioperative management including an intraoperative OLA (using low tidal volume, alveolar recruitment maneuvers, individualized positive end-expiratory pressure) followed by individually apply postoperative HFNC will decrease postoperative complications, unplanned readmission, ICU and hospital LOS, and mortality compared to a standardized LPV in high-risk surgical patients.

Title: International Study on NoSocomial Pneumonia in Intensive CaRE
Aim: Initiated by the working group on Pneumonia of the ESICM INF Section, the aim of this project is to perform an international multicentre prospective observational cohort study of nosocomial pneumonia in intensive care units (ICUs) worldwide in order to provide up-to-date and comprehensive descriptive data on the diagnosis, microbiology, time course of resolution, management and outcomes in a global ICU population.

Title: A Multicentre International One-Day Prevalence Study on Pressure Injuries in Intensive Care Units
Aim: The objective of this study is to provide an up-to-date, global picture of the extent and patterns of pressure injuries in ICUs. Point prevalence studies are only of value when performed on a vast scale. To sample a representative cohort, we intend to recruit about 1200 ICUs with all continents covered and as many countries as possible within each continent.

Title: PROtective VENTilation during THORAX surgery
Aim: To determine whether a strategy with higher PEEP plus recruitment maneuvers improves clinical outcome in patients receiving one-lung ventilation
Design: International multicenter double-blind randomized controlled two-arm trial
Population: Patients planned for thoracic surgery with one-lung ventilation

Title: WEAN SAFE (WorldwidE AssessmeNt of Separation of pAtients From ventilatory assistancE)
Aim: The purpose of this study is to describe, in a large population of ICU patients the burden of, management and spectrum of approaches to weaning from ventilation, in patients that require invasive mechanical ventilation for any reason, for a time period of at least 24 hours.

Title: An international prospective observational StudY on iNtrAcranial PreSsurE in intensive care (ICU)
Aim: Intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring is the most common neuromonitoring modality used in neurocritical care (NCCU) around the world. Uncertainties remain around ICP monitoring both in traumatic and non-traumatic brain injury, and variation in clinical practice of ICP monitoring exists between ICUs.

Title: Abdominal Sepsis Study: Epidemiology of Etiology and Outcome
Aim: The specific objectives of this study are:

To investigate microbiology and/or drug resistance patterns related to:
Geographical region
Source of IAI
Origin of IAI
To describe physician’s antimicrobial prescription patterns related to a classification grid that stratifies IAIs according to disease expression, community or healthcare origin, and anatomical disruption.
To investigate outcomes (clinical response, need for surgical revision, length of hospitalisation, and mortality) related to:
Type of IAI
Severity of acute illness at time of diagnosis (SOFA score) and clinical response after 48-72 hrs
Processes of care
Pathogens involved and empirical antimicrobial coverage; special emphasis will be given, to coverage of multidrug resistant Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, enterococci and Candida species
Duration of antimicrobial therapy

Ultima modifica: 4/2/2019 alle 11:21 da luigi.montrano